Seasonal Struggles

Does the anticipation of the approaching busyness of the holiday season have you feeling a bit overwhelmed? You are not alone. It’s a funny time of year. Energetically it doesn’t fit, it’s a juxtaposition of self needs and expectations of society.

It is the season of darkness and we’re being called to turn inward, to stay in touch with gratitude of what we already have, and to promote our growth through rest. It’s a perfect time for early nights, healing warm foods, and grounding activities like walks in nature, yin yoga, and meditation. However we’re doing the complete opposite. We’re expected to be doing more and more. We’re being influenced to purchase more stuff we don’t need, to participate in as many activities as we can cram into our time and are consuming all of the holiday recipes laden with sugar.

The more in touch you are with your needs and natures rhythms, the bigger this struggle may feel. So what can you do, aside from being a complete recluse and Scrooge? Be mindful of your energy. Do more activities that you want to, and not those you feel you ‘have to’. Say yes to more things that help you to re-charge and replenish in the midst of the celebrations this season. Eat whole foods, drink plenty of water, get as much sunshine as you can, set a small amount of time aside each day for reflection and breathing with awareness. Prioritize rest so that you will be able to participate in all the joy this season can bring.

And maybe one of the simplest things you can do is to ask yourself what you’re grateful for. Recent studies have shown that the part of your brain that processes anxiety also formulates gratitude. You simply cannot be anxious while being grateful. So close your eyes and tune into the feeling in your heart when you think about all the wonderful things you already have.


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