Eclipse Season: the return of light and the shadows

We start to feel the return of sunlight just in time for shadow (eclipse) season. Eclipses occur when moon’s shadow blocks the sun (solar eclipse) or the earth’s shadow block the moon (lunar eclipse) and we have one of each of those in the first few weeks of spring this year.

The lunar eclipse on 5/25 is the official kick off of eclipse season, which I can’t help to find serendipitously occurs in the sign of Libra (the sign of balance/harmony/relationships). The one relationship that affects all the others in our lives is the one we have with ourselves’ and the shadows of eclipses are an invitation to take a brave look at our own shadows, and see what has been hidden, but is still affecting our perspective/mindset/decisions/relationships. This invitation to take a peak behind the curtain so to speak, allows us to see where we have been pulled off balance and how to get back to it. Specifically, this lunar eclipse happens in the south node, which is the place of release, the end, letting go…so what can we let go of, release, remove that will invite more balance into our relationships. Then we can feel more balanced in masculine and feminine (sun and moon?) we can approach our other relationships with a steady and grounded but open and vulnerable energy.

The solar eclipse on 4/8 occurs in the sign of Aries. Aries represents the Self. It is brazen, bold, fiery and courageous. The light side of Aries can emphasize newness and creativity, while the shadow side can burn bridges and defy reason. This eclipse event is also happening right next to a conjunction of Mercury and Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer and Mercury is all about communications (and will also be retrograde - so think slowness), so we can predict that there may be some conversation (maybe longer than we’d prefer) about our deepest wounds and how we can heal them. So … shadows blocking the (sun) light around this (mis)communicated deeps wound.

I like to think that the first eclipse is preparing us for the next. Get yourself balanced, get rid of things that are blocking relationships that will support you when the second eclipse brings up some big things that have been hidden. Clarify the relationship with your self (aries). Get to know your self, shadow side and all.

To find out how the total solar eclipse personally affects your birth chart and learn more about the sun-moon cards in tarot and get a personal eclipse tarot read: sign up for the upcoming “Total Eclipse of the Tarot” workshop on 4/6!


Seasonal Struggles