Once in a Blue Moon

I always intend to prioritize these posts on a regular schedule, but the space and time to sit and write feels like it only comes around once in a blue moon. Never the less, writing is a passion and a coveted outlet to share thoughts with you, the readers, and although these posts are fewer and farther between than I intended, I’m hoping you still enjoy them.

Recently I’ve been studying astrology. I’m taking an online course and learning so much. It often it feels like the more I learn the less I understand, but I’m trusting it will all come together in the end. Learning and knowledge are one of the many things I truly value in life. It connects me to my passions and purpose and makes me feel more alive. So here are a few jewels about the current astrology and how taking cues from nature can help to project your energy and intentions in a big way.

So about every 2-3 years the full moon makes a second appearance in one calendar month. Today we have one in the sign of Pisces.

Oh sweet Pisces, the dreamer of the zodiac. This yin water sign (emotions) is creative, artistic and loves to connect with magic + dreams. It can sometimes feel ungrounded or unstable, but they can come into balance around Virgo, where the sun is currently. It rules the house of our imagination, our biggest manifesting tool. Manifesting (full moon action) under this sign can be powerful, so imagine your biggest dreams unfolding today and step into the feeling of that reality!

Full moon energy lends towards releasing to make space for new, but also shines a light on something for us. They are expansive and can leave us feeling quite tired, so notice if that’s happening for you and give yourself the care and rest you need. The moon is the feminine, it’s nurturing and mothering. Take cues from this and nurture yourself and your dreams today through something that sparks your creativity.

What makes this dreamy full moon a little more challenging is that it is happening next to Saturn. Saturn commands responsibility and authority and can, at times, feel restrictive. It asks us to get serious and COMMIT to something. This ‘something’ would be happening in the area of your life where Pisces is in your birth chart. (There are many free online tools to pull up your birth chart)

So the invitation from the cosmos today is to see the fullness of your dreams, trust in the magic and be creative, and commit to something to move them forward.


Seasonal Struggles


Summer Solstice