Summer Solstice

This is my favorite time of year, the days are long and lingering seems more approachable. Morning starts with the birds chirping and ends in a glorious display of sunlight taking a long and late final bow. It’s a time of gathering, being in nature, enjoying the connection from disconnection. It’s a time of abundance, shown by the blooming flowers, growing fruits and seemingly endless light. The energy of the season is full of fire, potential and promise all while efforts can be relaxed and simplicity comes into focus. 

The ebb and flow, expansion and contraction, ‘spanda’ of life is continuous. We see it in nature but it’s also active within each of us. This season feels like ‘expansion', filled with light, growth and abundance of life; there is always also ‘contraction’ happening at the same time, some shadow, loss, stagnation of sorts. 

While the beauty of the season in all of its brightness can be uplifting, all that light can cast bigger/longer shadows. If this time of year isn’t feeling like sunshine, notice what shadows are being brought up for you. It is an opportunity to see what inner lurkings have been driving your subconscious. Spending some time with yourself (in nature) to get quiet, notice, meditate, or journal will allow these to flow through like a river, bringing freedom and peace and the leisure to see all the abundance that surrounds you. If there is a corner of your mind, heart, life that is feeling less abundant, look around - there is always something expanding for you. Let nature, in all her glory, show you the way. 


Once in a Blue Moon


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