Finding Your Footing

I hope you have all started to find your footing this fall. I know this time of year is a favorite for many, including myself, but I also know that with the changing of the seasons it can sometimes leave us feeling a little un-grounded. The autumn is a time for letting go, releasing what no longer serves us and beginning to turn within to cultivate our inner world to be ready to grow new things come spring. This sounds like a beautiful process, but can definitely make us feel a little unsettled.

If we could simply put down the heavy things we bear or the old stories and nonsense we carry as part of our identity and allow ourselves that space to create new, why wouldn’t we?

Sometimes even the heavy things become a security blanket for us; sometimes the things that no longer serve us in the way they once did, or how we thought they would, still serve as our armor. Even old versions of ourselves and our old traumatic stories that were once our identity stay longer than we need them to because, in the ego mind, we aren’t sure who we are without them. These “things” may be baggage but they’re our baggage, and even when it’s too much for us to continue to carry without taking up space for what is truly ours, it’s hard to let go.

It’s possible that the feeling of being burdened is easier than the feeling of being vulnerable.

We have a tendency to just keep moving forward, without pause, ignoring our burdens and allowing ourselves to be swept up in the tide of the busy life. “We wear our busy like a badge of honor”, but don’t give ourselves time and space to enjoy all the beautiful things we’ve created in the ‘busy’. The slow down allows for time and space to reflect on our lives and ourselves, and it’s especially important during this time of year to find our footing.

I’m constantly working to find a balance between moving forward with new goals and staying present and grounded in all the blessings I currently have. I invite you to do the same. I don’t mean dropping it all or being complacent with your life goals, just relish for moments of time in the beauty of this life. Don’t rush, just continue to take the next right step. Practice less self-judgement and more honoring that you are doing the best you can today. Don’t live with regrets, instead see the lessons from mis-steps you’ve taken as blessings.

This is how the yoga works for us.

We can return to our mats or meditation cushions, or wherever it is that we give ourselves that time, to just come back to the center of it all, our hearts, and reconnect with what makes us feel the most like ourselves. This will remind us that we are okay without all the baggage, that we are fully supported in this world and that we can let go and let ourselves be open and grounded at the same time.

Tap into the beauty of the fall, check-in with what truly lights you up and create more space for that.

Vulnerability of the unknown may be scary, and our habits and routines may seem like the safe and more grounded way to live, but if we root ourselves in the love we harness, in the values we hold true to our hearts, we will open up a much more colorful world. So this season, begin to let go of less-fulfilling things that are taking up time and space in your life, and open yourself up to receive all that is already yours.

You deserve the time, the love, the blessings, and all the abundance that this life is here to provide.


Gratitude for the Darkness